About MAIA

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a storyteller. As a young girl, I would come home after school and write story after story. I felt so immersed in the storylines I dreamt up, and drew upon emotions I encountered for the reader to dive into. My mother collected them and turned them into one big book, hoping I’d come back to it one day. Eventually, I took a step back from writing and went on to accomplish other life plans.

In 2017, I decided to pick up the pen again, but in a different format. I began expressing my life through words on Instagram and quickly saw that others related to what I was dealing with in my early 20s. Now 7 years later, I have two books, “The fall, The rise,” and “When The Waves Come.” Both are available for purchase here.

Writing is my sacred place. It comes from a place inside me that I visit often. That I dream of often. The woman I walked as there, breathed these words into me, and I showed up as her, here.

I thank you for coming on this journey of unfolding with me. My writing will continue to evolve, just as I do here on earth. There are so many experiences I have yet to have and words I have yet to write. Thank you for being here to witness both.

Self-Published Books

The Fall, The Rise (2018)
When The Waves Come (2023)